Abilities in Action accepts referrals from doctors, early intervention specialists, health care professionals, teachers, parents and other agencies serving children. We provide services in an outpatient setting and via telehealth.
To get started with therapy services, please call one of our offices. Our office staff will get some basic information from you. After a quick phone consultation, we will call your health insurance carrier and determine your benefits. Verifying your insurance coverage is part of our initial process for getting your child started in services, and we guide you through understanding your financial responsibility before we move forward with initiating services.
We are currently an in-network provider with most BlueCross BlueShield plans. If you have a different insurance carrier, you can access our services using your out-of-network benefits.
Our friendly office staff will take care of all insurance submissions for you, as well as any authorizations or referrals that you may need.
What do I need to bring to my child's first appointment?
We look forward to serving your child and your family!
Click HERE to download our Telehealth Consent Form
Abilities in Action is a Provider of Pediatric Physical Therapy, Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Pediatric Speech Therapy, Pediatric Feeding Therapy and Telehealth to Infants and Children in Monmouth County, NJ and surrounding towns